We understand that the vulnerable in our societies need more extra time and resources including tools to help them live an independent life. We also know that everyone will become vulnerable at some point in their lives, but some will need more assistance than others.
Our journey began five years ago supplying accommodation to vulnerable homeless adults, as part of the rough sleeper pathway. This learning curve gave us the basis to understand the cohort’s needs and requirements whilst living within our accommodation.
This humbling experience led us to collaborate with our partners to set up dedicated substance and alcohol misuse units in partnership with a social care provider, whereby we understood intrinsically this cohort’s requirements for offering a stable residing environment, whilst supplying the support to help them recover and move on to an independent life.
Today, we work with our partners across the UK, such a Local Authorities, UK Government, social care providers and charities providing our own properties and a managed property portfolio on behalf of our landlord/investors.
At our DV units, we understood that further technology was needed to ensure the residents felt and had a safe and stable environment to reside in. However, also understanding that the units’ needed to cater for young children by supplying safe outside areas and good communal spaces.
Houses4Good has taken each step in its journey as great learning. Therefore, our knowledge and expertise as an accommodation provider have held us in good stead, which understands the needs of our partners and the vulnerable service users.
Our task is to make a difference to the vulnerable that reside in each and every one of our properties, either providing support through our partnership with social care service providers or working with our Local Authority/Charity partners.
As part of our commitment to helping society, we are also committed to protecting the environment. Therefore, we are proud of our achievements in becoming a carbon-neutral certified organisation.
Importantly we are committed to giving back 10% of our returns to homelessness community projects.
If you require more details about our accommodation services, or a care provider please get in touch via phone call or send us an email or form message.
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